Webinar - Rafael Cortina | A free webinar to consider when looking for development classes in a "free choice" format.

Free webinar – Rafael Cortina

You are invited to a Gestalt webinar.

Topic: Gestalt approach to healing trauma and supporting recovery

Leading: Rafael Cortina

Organizer: Lodz Gestalt School

Description: The webinar can serve as an introduction to the June workshop. It will allow to get acquainted with the work of Rafael Cortina. The purpose of the webinar is to present the relationship between addiction and trauma, the role of the nervous system, and the application of this knowledge within a gestalt/relational approach to support the healing process.

The webinar is aimed at psychologists and psychotherapists. It will be held on a zoom platform. It will be conducted in English and translated into Polish. The number of places is limited! Applications are accepted by email: [email protected]. It is necessary to provide your name for the application.

Full webinar description, date, registration and other organizational information is available HERE

And on the fanpage of the Lodz Gestalt School on Facebook.