Webinar - John Gillespie - Sexuality in therapeutic work. | A free event at the Lodz Gestalt School. 05.09.2023, g. 17:00 - 19:00

Webinar – John Gillespie: Working with sexuality | free event at the Lodz Gestalt School. You are cordially invited.

Webinar topic: SE* SE* SE* workshop…. And more se*! Building our ground as therapists to work with sexualityWorking with sexuality. Building a foundation in therapeutic work with corporeality.

Presenter: John Gillespie

Organizer: Lodz Gestalt School

Deadline: 05.09.2023, Tuesday: 17:00 – 19:00

Webinar – John Gillespie – event description: Talking about sex can bring to the surface aspects of shame, isolation, trauma, privilege/oppression dynamics, and spiritual identity can be extracted from the everyday personality and encoded into our sexual self. The webinar can serve as an introduction to the October workshop. It will provide insight into the work of John Gillespie and enable participants to work more comfortably with clients’ experiences of sex and/or achieve a greater degree of personal comfort around sexuality.

The webinar is aimed at psychologists and psychotherapists. It will be held on a zoom platform. It will be conducted in English and translated into Polish. The number of places is limited! Applications are accepted by email: [email protected]. It is necessary to provide your name for the application.

A full description of the webinar, date, registration and other organizational information is available HERE.