Gestalt Workshop: Working with the Body. Learn the secrets of working with the body in a Gestalt approach during a workshop led by Anika Wycislik-Wilson.

Working with the body in the Gestalt approach
20 July 2024 09:00 - 21 July 2024 15:00
Headquarters of the Lodz Gestalt School, ul. 125 Piotrkowska St., Lodz
Workshop days:
Saturday, Sunday: 9:00-15:00
900 zł
For whom:
For psychotherapists and psychotherapists in training
Number of hours:
15 training hours
6-16 people
Free choice:
Event description:

Gestalt workshop: working with the body in the Gestalt approach – Anika Wycislik-Wilson

“When you call me close to tell me your body is not beautiful I want to summon the eyes and hidden mouths of stone and light and water to testify against you.”

Leonard Cohen

Gestalt Workshop: Working with the Body – Description:

The workshop is an invitation to people who feel a deep need to find, to return to “home”. Places in one’s body, the “Earth” of one’s body, where one manages to plant and establish a ready-made fragment of one’s being. It is also for those who are already cultivating their piece of the Earth and would like to deepen or expand the possibilities of their embodiment.

This is not a workshop on healthy living. Nor is it a workshop about creating a better version of yourself. In this journey, I invite you to an absolutely sincere opportunity to find your story and struggles related to body/earth stigma in both the outer and inner worlds, exploring it with the softness of silk.

A teacher of mine once told me that anything we do with hatred of ourselves and our bodies will bring us back to square one and carry additional burdens…. All the exercises, healthy eating, courses and trainings aimed at “improvement” are often voices of silent self/hate.

I invite you to take an authentic, delicate and somewhat unruly journey through what is love and what is hate. I will try to teach you to distinguish between them. We will transform discipline into DISCIPLINE. This is a very important difference. This will be helped by the subtle forms of expression to which I will invite you. We will work in groups, in pairs, sometimes in threes, and sometimes in silence. It is also an invitation in the direction of vitality sensed over the largest area of the body. For these two days we will help each other as a group, a community.

A few words from Anika:

I invite people who are in the middle of therapy (because we will only spend twelve hours together and I don’t know what will open up and what will need further support) or people who already have their support map developed and self-awareness of where to feed it. I would like you, by choosing to attend this workshop, to have the space to continue this openness and curiosity, if necessary. Of course, I will take care of security, boundaries and closure as best I can. I will include you in this process.

I encourage you to stock up on comfortable, casual attire. Please also bring notebooks or sheets of paper if the expression will be in the form of writing or drawing.

A few words about Anica Wycislik-Wilson:

I am a practicing Gestalt psychotherapist, clinical supervisor and EMDR therapist. I speak two languages, Polish and English, and practice in both. I am involved in both science and art, and I feel that both nourish me deeply. I have completed various trainings and experience life as a continuous process. I deepen my presence in different spheres of existence, which allows me to deal with quite a wide spectrum of problems brought by my clients, such as: severe anxiety and depression, relationship problems, stress and burnout, bereavement, LGBT issues, issues related to creative industries – musicians, dancers, actors, performers, issues related to caring professions: Teachers, social workers, nurses, doctors, psychosomatic manifestations of emotional problems, trauma, sexual abuse, shame, body confidence, identity (race, culture, religion, gender, etc.).), infertility, ivf process.

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The registration deadline was on 20 July 2024 00:00