Dominika Plisiecka - I started working in the therapy field right after college. I have been involved with Gestalt on a permanent basis since 2018.

Dominika Plisiecka – trenerka

I started working in the therapy field right after college. I trained in and was close to Process Oriented Psychology. I worked in this trend for four years.

With Gestalt, I have been permanently involved since 2018. I conduct individual therapeutic processes for adults. I am a certified psychotherapist, in the process of EAGT certification.

I am a graduate of the University of Lodz, with a master’s degree in psychology with a specialization in occupational psychology and counseling and clinical psychology; I am certified as a Practitioner Coach – Noble Manhattan and IBD Business School; certified as a Trainer and Sales Examiner – VCC Foundation.

I work not only with clients in the therapy office, but also support people from business, during individual coaching sessions and/or group workshops.

In my work I always focus on building contact, I work with the process, with what is currently emerging. It is extremely important for me not only to hear, but to listen and meet in differences.

What is important to me in life is peace and a place where I can experience it. The truth is also important. Not one that leads to a rationale, but the truth that every Man carries within himself. Truth and a sense of freedom, one that is possible in a limiting reality.