Recruiting for the Study of Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy. Develop your therapeutic skills in working with the youngest.

Recruitment for the Study of Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy – step by step:

  • Recruitment to the Study of Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy takes place by means of an application.
  • We accept applications via the form available below.
  • Your application must be accompanied by your CV and a copy of your higher education diploma.
  • Candidates receive the admission decision within 1 day of sending the application.
  • The Study then prepares and sends the contract along with the payment schedule.
  • Candidates have 7 days to return the completed and signed contract and pay the entry fee (the first installment for the Study).
  • The cost of the 15-month SoCaAP training program is:
    • PLN 22,500 divided into payments:
      • 1st installment – ​​entry fee PLN 4,500
      • 15 installments – PLN 1,200 per month

Recruitment for the Study of Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy – edition 1 – organizational information – summary:

Organizer: Lodz Gestalt School

Date of the first convention of the 1st edition: 28.03.2025

Date of the last convention of the 1st edition: 31.05.2026

Number of hours: 195 training hours – 15-month program implemented between 2025 and 2026

Place: Headquarters of the Lodz Gestalt School, ul. 125 Piotrkowska St., Lodz

Number of participants: minimum 14, maximum 20 people

Cost: PLN 22,500 (PLN 4,500 registration fee + 15 installments of PLN 1,200 each)

Languages: Italian, Russian, English with Polish translation provided.

Schedule of the 1st edition: SCHEDULE

Additional information can be obtained at:

Recruitment to the Study of Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy – 1st edition – is an opportunity for those of you who want to supplement or expand your competences with specialist knowledge regarding psychotherapeutic work with the youngest and adolescents.

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* Do każdego formularza prosimy dołączyć CV bez zdjęcia w formacie PDF
* Osoby zainteresowane udziałem w II etapie szkolenia proszone są o wypełnienie dodatkowo miejsca w tabeli z nazwą Instytutu oraz dołączenie zaświadczenia ukończenia stażu w formacie PDF.

Oświadczam, ze wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych dla celów związanych z prowadzonym naboru/ rekrutacji do Łódzkiej Szkoły Gestalt.

Informujemy, że administratorem danych osobowych będzie: Łódzka Szkoła Gestalt, z siedzibą w Łodzi, ul. Piotrkowska 125. Podanie danych osobowych ma charakter dobrowolny oraz przysługuje prawo dostępu do nich, ich poprawiania i anulowania.

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