Below are the prerequisites for participation in Phase I and Phase II of the therapeutic training and a detailed recruitment process.

Who can become a student of the Lodz Gestalt School?

Stage I – developmental year:

  1. The first step to becoming a ŁSG student is to send us an application.
  2. Applications are accepted via the form available in the recruitment for each edition on the School’s website. Applications should be accompanied by a CV, as it is on the basis of this CV that the School recruits candidates.
  3. The decision on admission, candidates receive within 1 day of sending the application, and it is then that the School prepares and sends a contract along with a payment schedule.
  4. In order to confirm their participation, Candidates have 7 days to send back the completed and signed agreement and pay the registration fee. After this time, the Candidate will receive a message from the School asking him/her to confirm his/her participation, and if the message remains unanswered, the School will remove the Candidate from the list of participants, thus freeing up space for other interested parties.
  5. To start a Development Year, a minimum of a bachelor’s degree is required. However, they do not have to be psychological, pedagogical majors. However, those who do not have a degree in psychology or pedagogy must expect the obligation to supplement their knowledge of psychology at a later stage of training. EAGT requires the completion of knowledge of:
    • Developmental psychology (2 semesters)
    • Personality Theory (1 semester)
    • Psychopathology (1 semester)

The school offers assistance in supplementing knowledge in the aforementioned subjects by conducting refresher classes.

Who can become a student of the Lodz Gestalt School?

Stage II – School:

  1. In order to be recruited for Stage II, it is necessary to have completed Stage I training at another Gestalt Institute
  2. The period between the completion of the Development Year and the start of Phase II should not exceed 5 years.
  3. We accept applications from Students who have completed a Development Year at another Gestalt Institute via the form available on our website.
  4. Using the form, also attach a resume and certificates of completion of Stage I (pdf format) with the signature of the training unit. We recruit candidates on the basis of both documents, as well as they will be necessary for the interview.
  5. The next stage of recruitment is an interview in each case preceding Stage II.
  6. The participant learns the result of the interview within 3 working days. If the decision is negative, the committee will provide the reason for the decision and give guidance on what area still needs to be worked on.
  7. A positive outcome of the interview results in the School sending the necessary package of documents (contract, class schedule, payment schedule, etc.).
  8. In order to start the School Stage, a university degree is required. The school accepts candidates with a bachelor’s degree, but it is important that the student, being in the 2nd year of Stage II training, already has a completed master’s degree, which is required to be able to start practicing psychotherapy. However, these do not have to be psychological or pedagogical majors. However, those who do not have a degree in psychology or pedagogy must expect to be required to supplement their knowledge of psychology at a later stage of training. EAGT requires the completion of knowledge in the field:
    • Developmental psychology (2 semesters)
    • Personality Theory (1 semester)
    • Psychopathology (1 semester)

The school offers assistance in supplementing knowledge in the aforementioned subjects by conducting refresher classes.

A key role in the admission to Stage II of the Training, students of the Lodz Gestalt School play regular meetings with the Supervisor during the Development Year and the course of the Team meetings. The School then has a full view of the candidate’s progress and motivation for further work.

Conversations with the Supervisor during the development year and Cadre meetings

  1. In order to participate in internal recruitment, it is necessary to complete Stage I of the training at the Lodz Gestalt School
  2. We accept applications from Students who have completed the development year via a form available on our website. Please attach a PDF version of your resume to the form.
  3. Students can sign up for Phase II of the training as of the end of the Development Year. The order of enrollment is decisive.
  4. A positive decision by the School results in the School sending the necessary package of documents (contract, schedule of classes, payment schedule, etc.). If the decision is negative, the School Board will arrange a meeting with the candidate, provide the reason for the decision and give guidance on what area still needs to be worked on.
  5. In order to start the School Stage, a university degree is required. The school accepts candidates with a bachelor’s degree, but it is important that the student, being in the 2nd year of Stage II training, already has a completed master’s degree, which is required to be able to start practicing psychotherapy. However, these do not have to be psychological or pedagogical majors. However, those who do not have a degree in psychology or pedagogy must expect to be required to supplement their knowledge of psychology at a later stage of training. EAGT requires the completion of knowledge in the field:
    • Developmental psychology (2 semesters)
    • Personality Theory (1 semester)
    • Psychopathology (1 semester)

The school offers assistance in supplementing knowledge in the aforementioned subjects with further training classes.

In both cases, the student is obliged to take an interview when:

  1. The candidate does not immediately decide to study at Stage II, and the time between the completion of the Development Year and study at Stage II is more than six months. The candidate receives a positive decision of the committee on admission after an interview – preceding the Stage II training. The participant learns about the result of the interview within 3 working days. If the decision is negative, the committee will provide the reason for the decision and give guidance on what area still needs to be worked on.
  2. The candidate, by the decision of the School, did not get into Stage 2 of the training on the first date, but followed the recommendations and would like to re-enter Stage 2. The candidate receives a positive decision of the committee on admission after an interview – preceding Stage 2 of the training. The participant learns about the outcome of the interview within 3 working days. If the decision is again negative, the commission will provide a reason for the decision. Each such situation will be considered individually.
  3. A positive outcome of the interview results in the School sending the necessary package of documents (contract, class schedule, payment schedule, etc.).