Open Enrollment for Lodz Gestalt School - Edition 3 - Start 30.11.2023. The first session (30.11 - 3.12.2023) is interpersonal training.

Open enrollment for Lodz Gestalt School – Edition 3 (November) – is an opportunity for those of you who want to start Stage I – Development Year still in 2023.

Recruitment for the Lodz Gestalt School – Edition 3 – start:

Group III – Stage I Development Year – START: 30.11.2023.

The first session (30.11 – 3.12.2023) is planned as a four-day interpersonal training with elements of integration and psychoeducation.

Recruitment will continue throughout the year, and new editions will appear periodically. Information on further calls will be supplemented on our website under the news tab as soon as previous groups are assembled. And if, you need to know more about the next editions, feel free to contact us:

For more information, please visit the “calls” tabs.