Internships for students - gain valuable experience working with clients. We offer support and supervision at the Lodz Gestalt School.

Internships for students at the School of Gestalt Psychotherapy

We are happy to announce that the Lodz Gestalt School has started cooperation with the Livart Psychotherapy Center, which organizes internships for psychotherapy students (for the sixth time!) who want to start working in the profession in a safe way for themselves and their clients. Our students who meet the formal requirements for beginning their practice with clients will be able to take advantage of the opportunity for a one-year internship, consisting of work with clients supported by training and regular supervision (conducted by Gestalt Therapist, Trainer and Supervisor – Karina Szczęsna) and intervision in college teams. We are looking forward to this opportunity all the more because the founders and staff of the Livart center work according to similar values of social responsibility as the Lodz Gestalt School. Livart offers customers the so-called. low-fee therapy, which for many people is the only option for getting help due to the high prices of commercial therapy and long queues for National Health Service therapy.

Read more about Livart: