Marcin Slifirski - Co-owner and Director of Lodz Gestalt School - I have been involved in the development and education of adults for over 20 years.

Co-owner and Director of Gestalt School in Lodz, Poland

Marcin Slifirski - Lodz Gestalt School | photo of the trainer

I have been involved in the development and education of adults for more than 20 years – working with clients in the areas of training and coaching. On a day-to-day basis, I manage a team at KM Studio – Training and am an active Trainer and Coach, working mainly in management-related areas. By education I am a computer scientist, I graduated from the FTiMS department at the Technical University of Lodz, I graduated from the school of trainers of the Psychological Laboratory of Elzbieta Soltys. I am an ICC certified coach. My vision of working/meeting with people so far is in line with the values of the Gestalt movement.

I have the honor of opening and running a Gestalt school in Lodz, Poland. At the school, I am mainly involved in managing the entire administrative team, creating a space where our Students can focus on their development.

Privately, I am a husband, father of 4 children, a person with many passions and activities.