The workshop Gestalt: The Active Principle in Gestalt Therapy counts as one of the required hours of so-called free choice, necessary for the Gestalt certification process.

The Active Principle in Gestalt Therapy
29 November 2023 09:00 - 30 November 2023 19:00
Headquarters of the Lodz Gestalt School, 125 Piotrkowska Street, Lodz
Workshop days:
Wednesday, Thursday: 9:00 am - 7:00 pm.
1400 zł
For whom:
For psychotherapists and psychotherapists in training
Number of hours:
20 training hours
Free choice:
Event description:

Gestalt workshop: Activity in therapy – description:

In the Gestalt therapy theory of “self,” the “I” and “other” take their form in the act of contacting, not in a pre-existing “I” that then makes contact. While theories of a pre-existing “I” must show how such an “I” can change, in Gestalt theory change is always available, and the question concerns how we maintain a sense of personal continuity – and when that continuity becomes problematic, leaving us acting in familiar and painful ways. This workshop will present the theory and practice of working with clients based on this understanding. There will be time for personal work, discussion, and practicing skills.

The Gestalt workshop: activity in therapy is aimed at psychotherapists and psychotherapists in training. It counts towards the required hours of so-called free choice, necessary in the Gestalt certification process. It will be conducted in English and translated into Russian.

Gestalt workshop: activity in therapy – what is planned:

  • Peter will present both theory and practice of working with clients based on his approach;
  • Individual sessions;
  • Supervisions;
  • Discussions;
  • Practical professional skills training;

Peter Philipson is a Gestalt theorist with a unique approach, one of the best-known figures in the world of Gestalt therapy, founder and director of the Manchester Gestalt Centre (UK), former president of the Association for the Advancement of Gestalt Therapy (AAGT), member of the New York Gestalt Institute, author of several books, including the well-known “Self in Relations,” which was recently translated into Russian (“Self in Relations”), and author of many articles and chapters in collective monographs. Peter Philipson’s therapeutic work is a model of excellence in gestalt therapy with a processual approach; at the same time, his work on the self process always goes hand in hand with his work on relationships. Peter is also one of the most sought-after supervisors in the UK; in his supervision work he pays particular attention to the parallel processes occurring both between therapist and client and in the space of the therapist-supervisor relationship. He is a lively, sensitive, active participant in the dynamic group process, precise and clear in theory, and structured in the transfer of theoretical material. He is sensitive to the social processes of the therapeutic field and responds to the need for support.

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