You are invited to a Gestalt workshop: Working with sexuality – building a foundation in therapeutic activity with John Gillespie.
Gestalt workshop: working with sexuality in therapeutic activity – John Gillespie
Workshop topic: SE* SE* SE* workshop…. And more se*! Building our ground as therapists to work with sexuality – Working with sexuality. Building a foundation in therapeutic work with corporeality.
Presenter: John Gillespie
Organizer: Lodz Gestalt School
Deadline: 14.10 – 15.10.2023
Place: Headquarters of the Lodz Gestalt School, ul. 125 Piotrkowska St., Lodz
Cost: 1300 PLN
Applications: please send the completed FORM to the email address: [email protected]
Translation: The workshop will be conducted in English and translated into Polish.
Description: During the two-day workshop, John will try to create a safe enough space to share, support and maintain who we are sexually. There will be no requirement to share anything that is not comfortable to explore. There will be room to talk about eroticism, our sexual histories and to experiment with sharing aspects of our sexual selves.
The workshop is aimed at psychotherapists and psychotherapists-in-training. It will be conducted in English and translated into Polish. The number of places is limited! Applications are accepted by phone: 575 591 555 and by email: [email protected] . It will also be necessary to fill out the form, which is available HERE.
We also encourage you to attend a free webinar, which will be an ideal introduction to the workshop. You are cordially invited to sign up!