Internships for psychotherapy school students - gain valuable experience in working with clients. Support and supervision at the Lodz Gestalt School.

Internships for students at the School of Gestalt Psychotherapy

Cooperation of the Lodz Gestalt School with institutions where Students can realize internship for Stage II students of the Gestalt School

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Livart Psychotherapy Center

pracownia psychoterapii dobre więzi staż

Good Ties Psychotherapy Studio

Livart Psychotherapy Center

We are happy to announce that the Lodz Gestalt School has started cooperation with the Livart Psychotherapy Center, which organizes internships for students of the school of psychotherapy (for the sixth time!) who want to start working in the profession in a safe way for themselves and their clients.

Our students who meet the formal requirements for beginning their practice with clients will be able to take advantage of the opportunity for a year-long internship for students of the school of psychotherapy, consisting of work with clients supported by training and regular supervision (conducted by Gestalt Therapist, Trainer and Supervisor Karina Szczęsna) and intervision in college teams.

We are looking forward to this opportunity all the more because the founders and staff of the Livart center work according to similar values of social responsibility as the Lodz Gestalt School.

A few words about Livart

The center is distinguished by its proprietary internship program, as part of which Livart offers clients the so-called. low-fee therapy, which for many people is the only option for getting help due to the high prices of commercial therapy and long queues for National Health Service therapy. It’s a solution aimed at people who need support but are facing financial difficulties.

Services offered

Livart offers a wide range of services, including individual, couples, family and group therapy. It specializes in treating personality disorders, neurosis, depression, anxiety, as well as helping people in life crisis, with low self-esteem or relationship problems. The center is committed to quality service, discretion and patient comfort.
Sessions can be easily booked online and appointments are flexible and tailored to individual needs.

Read more about Livart: Livart Psychotherapy Center in Poznan

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pracownia psychoterapii dobre więzi staż

Good Ties Psychotherapy Studio

This is another place with which the Lodz Gestalt School has started cooperation.
Our students can start their internship in Warsaw this time!
Lodz School of Gestalt students who meet the formal requirements for starting an internship with clients will be able to take advantage of a two-year internship under the supervision of Sylwia Bartnik – a certified Gestalt psychotherapist.

A few words about Good Ties Psychotherapy Workshop

The Good Ties Psychotherapy Workshop is not only a center that offers support to individual clients, but also offers a wide range of services for psychotherapists in training, including.
a two-year, low-fee internship program.
Elements of the internship include psychotherapeutic work with individual clients – two hour blocks per week, group supervision and individual consultations with Internship Supervisors.

Services offered

Good Ties Psychotherapy Studio offers a wide range of services, min.
individual therapy, group therapy, training, therapeutic trainings, internships, workshops.
It also runs a School of Couples Psychotherapy.

What Good Ties offer as part of an internship:

Read more about Good Ties:

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