Recruitment for the Study of Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy - edition 1. Develop your therapeutic skills in working with the youngest.

Recruitment for the Study of Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy – Edition 1 – is an opportunity for those of you who wish to supplement or expand your competence with specialized knowledge of psychotherapeutic work with the youngest and adolescents.

By taking part in the recruitment, you are pledging to undertake 15 months of training with an international team of experienced professionals – training practitioners – who have been working with children and young people on a daily basis for more than 20 years.

The program consists of 195 training hours including:

  • 8 offline training seminars (20 training hours each: Friday: 15:00 – 19:00, Saturday, Sunday: 9:00 – 15:00)
  • 7 online superintendent-lecture sessions (5 training hours each: Thursday: 15:00 – 19:00).

Recruitment for the Study of Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy

Edition 1 – START: MARCH 28, 2025.

You are cordially invited to join the Recruitment for the 1st edition of the Study of Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy. The inaugural convention of the 1st edition is scheduled for March 28 – March 30, 2025. The full schedule for the 1st edition of SPDiM is available below:

Study of Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy – schedule – edition 1 – March 2025/May 2026

Who can participate in SPDiM recruitment?

  • Students of schools of Gestalt psychotherapy and other modalities
  • qualified therapists of Gestalt and other modalities
  • people who are psychologists, pedagogues, and have other higher education and deal with children and adolescents in their professional work and want to learn how to work therapeutically with children and adolescents
  • in recruitment, we will ask for a CV and require only a university degree

Recruitment for the Study of Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy – step by step:

  • Recruitment to SPDiM is done by application.
  • Applications are accepted via a form available on the School’s website.
  • The application should be accompanied by a resume.
  • The decision on admission, candidates receive within 1 day of sending the application.
  • SPDiM then prepares and sends a contract with a payment schedule.
  • Candidates have 7 days to return the completed and signed agreement and pay the registration fee (First installment for the Study).
  • After this time, the participant receives a message from SPDiM requesting confirmation of participation, and when the message remains unanswered, the Study removes the candidate from the list of participants, freeing up space for other interested parties.
  • The cost of the two-year SPDiM training program is:
    • PLN 22,500 with a breakdown of payments:
      • 1 installment – entry fee PLN 4,500
      • 15 installments – PLN 1200 per month

Recruitment for the Study of Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy – edition 1 – organizational information – summary:

Organizer: Lodz Gestalt School

Date of the first convention of the 1st edition: 28.03.2025

Date of the last convention of the 1st edition: 31.05.2026

Number of hours: 195 training hours – 15-month program implemented between 2025 and 2026

Place: Headquarters of the Lodz Gestalt School, ul. 125 Piotrkowska St., Lodz

Number of participants: minimum 14, maximum 20 people

Cost: PLN 22,500 (PLN 4,500 registration fee + 15 installments of PLN 1,200 each)

Languages: Italian, Russian, English with Polish translation provided.

Schedule of the 1st edition: SCHEDULE

Enrollment: Application form

Additional information can be obtained at: