The values of the Lodz Gestalt School - responsibility, openness, dialogue and more. We invite everyone to whom these values are close to their heart.

These are the values that we as a team of the Lodz Gestalt School hold dear.


This value has several dimensions for us.

First, as a team, we feel a responsibility to share the most up-to-date knowledge and our experiences from our therapeutic work so that the quality of what we teach about Gestalt is high. Second, we use the power of the team, intervision and supervision, to respond together in a responsible way to what happens in group processes and various other situations, including organizational ones. Third, we assume that coming to psychotherapy school is a responsible decision for each student. Study Decision. As trainers and supervisors, we accompany you on this path. Our premise, however, is that each person is responsible for his or her own learning and study process. We work on the premise that teaching is not about “pouring knowledge”, but about individual, sometimes beautiful, sometimes arduous exploration. We foster in students an attitude of curiosity, searching, discovering, trying, experiencing, practicing. And we are available to discuss all this.

Individuality, uniqueness

Each person learns differently and works differently. Each student has his or her own resources and experience. The uniqueness and individuality of the therapist is a great value in working with people. As many Gestalt therapists, as many types of Gestalt. At the Lodz Gestalt School, we encourage people to work in their own style. Each therapist has his own personal and unique way of working, contacting and building a relationship with another person. It is important for us to support and develop this individual style of work of future Gestalt therapists, so that each student finds a place for himself in this trend. We organize the school’s activities in such a way that students also have the opportunity to interact with the trainers between conventions. In addition to group work during classes, we have small-group intervision meetings and each student’s own work.

Balance and work with respect to your abilities

At the Lodz Gestalt School, group classes last a maximum of 6 hours on one day. The exception is training, which is scheduled from morning to evening with a lunch break. We planned the educational process in the form of workshops, intervision and self-work on each topic, so as to learn Gestalt according to its assumptions about balance, respect for space for assimilation of experience, appreciation of rest and consideration of the natural “capacity” of the human being for learning. We work with great attention to the needs of students and trainers.

Affirmation of diversity

We are a school open to diversity of both students and trainers. We learn and impart LGBTQIA+/GSRD-friendly Gestalt to LGBTQIA+/GSRD and all other people, with special sensitivity to those who experience minority stress for various reasons.

Attention to emerging field elements

In our approach to Gestalt as well as the running of the school, we respect and take into account elements of the broad field that is climate, economic and social change for us. We believe they have a direct bearing on the relationships we create. We want to deepen their awareness in us and our students.

The second important element of the field that we note is the presence and coexistence of various Gestalt centers and Gestalt Schools in Poland. We see it as a richness and choice for a wide range of people interested in becoming psychotherapists. We are open to creative exchanges and creative consonance in the Polish therapeutic field.

Dialogue and being recognized in the gaze of the Other

The meeting between therapist and client is a dialogue. The meeting of students is a dialogue. The trainers’ meeting is a dialogue. A meeting between a student and a trainer is a dialogue. We are in favor of meeting in what is nice, but also in what is difficult and talking. So that we can hear each other.

Equivalence and respect in the relationship instead of power and violence in the relationship

We like democracy in the education process. We live in a culture where most of us have experience of some kind of violence at school. The asymmetrical nature of the teacher-student relationship, the need for grading, passing exams, comparisons between colleagues, competitions and “races.” At the Lodz Gestalt School, we strive to make the teaching process democratic, with the only “slant” in the relationship being that the trainer/supervisor has more experience and knowledge. On the other hand, he is not in any way better or more important in his relationship with the student. Teaching in a non-violent atmosphere is based on supporting resources, nurturing the uniqueness of the student’s style and reliable feedback. Just as the Gestalt therapist co-creates the field with the client, contributes himself or herself and has a stake in the process, so the coach or supervisor co-creates the relationship with the student and is responsible for how he or she is present in that relationship. We are very careful about giving feedback, so that it is truthful and constructive, but also that it is given with sensitivity and gentleness.

Carnality, vulnerability, vitality

Problems with “unfeeling,” or desensitization of the body, are the bane of the times we live in. At the Lodz school we work a lot on sensitivity to bodily needs, we have an affirmative approach to sexuality and pleasure. We use methods that incorporate attention to the body, breath, and movement. We support what fosters vitality – both in the therapeutic processes we work with and in the way we conduct classes and organize the school.

Openness and attentiveness to self and others

Openness and attentiveness are values for us, both in terms of supporting students on their way to becoming psychotherapists, as well as in the proper functioning of the School. They arise from a sense of acceptance, but also flexibility, which gently allows them to react and adapt to different, usually new, events. We approach all situations on an individual basis. We take a close look at the difficulties and try to help in a sensitive way. We closely monitor the progress of the educational process, but we also reinforce and support students along the way.

We invite everyone to whom these values are close to their heart.