Silvia Tosi - psychologist and Gestalt psychotherapist. Learn more about her work with children, adolescents and families.

Silvia Tosi:

Gestalt psychologist and psychotherapist. She is a trainer at the Instituto di Gestalt HCC in Italy. Supervisor (accredited by EAGT). Since 1998, she has worked as a clinical psychologist and Gestalt psychotherapist in private practice and public health care with children, adolescents and families. She has been a presenter at several congresses and has published several articles on Gestalt psychotherapy in the developmental age. She is a member of the editorial board of the journal Quaderni di Gestalt and the Gestalt Therapy Book Series. She was a member and chair of the EAGT Training Standards Committee.

Silvia Tosi graduated in clinical psychology from the University of Padua in Italy in 1989 and in Gestalt psychotherapy from the Societa’ Italiana di Gestalt in Rome in 1998. Since then, she has been working with children and adolescents, constantly expanding her knowledge and skills.

She has been a registered psychologist since 1993 (Or Ordine Professionale degli Psicologi in Ordine Regionale della Lombardia) and a psychotherapist since 1998 (Ordine degli Psicologi).

Silvia Tosi has completed a number of training courses, including:

  • Gestalt psychotherapy with couples, families and adolescents at Istituto di Gestalt HCC Italy in Rome (2009). Trainer: M. Spagnuolo Lobb.
  • Psychopathology and new disorders at Istituto di Gestalt HCC Italy, international training (2012-2014). Trainers: M. Spagnuolo Lobb, G. Francesetti, J. M. Robine, C. Vasquez Bandin.
  • Developmental somatic psychotherapy at the Center for Somatic Studies in New York, international training (2014-2017). Trainers: R. Frank, M. V. Miller.
  • Gestalt supervision at Istituto di Gestalt HCC Italy, international training (2017-2019). Trainers: M. Spagnuolo Lobb, G. Francesetti.
  • Gestalt psychotherapy for children and adolescents – Oaklander therapeutic model, led by Lynn Stadler, international training organized by Oltre La Tenda in Naples (2019).

Silvia Tosi – publications:

Silvia Tosi is the author and co-author of a long list of publications:

Publications related to the Gestalt current:

  • Tosi S., (2024) La supervisione gestaltica in età evolutiva. Quaderni di Gestalt, XXXVII, 1
  • Tosi S., Conte E. (2023). Ring-a-ring o’ Roses, A Pocket Full of Posies. Gestalt Psychotherapy and Childhood Suffering In: Spagnuolo Lobb M., Cavaleri P.A. (Eds.), Psychopathology of the Situation in Gestalt Therapy. A Field Oriented Approach. London Routledge. (
  • Parolin L., Di Nuovo S., Migone P., Spagnuolo Lobb M., Tosi S. (2023), Il burnout del terapeuta: formazione, politiche professionali e ricerca come strumenti di prevenzione. Quaderni di Gestalt n.2023/1
  • Translation from english: Mortola, P. (2022) Il metodoOaklander. La psicoterapia della Gestalt attraverso il gioco. Franco Angeli, Milano.
  • Tosi S., Conte E., “Giro girotondo, casca il mondo”. La psicoterapia della Gestalt con la sofferenza infantile, in Spagnuolo Lobb, Cavaleri (2021), Psicopatologia della situazione. La psicoterapia della Gestalt nei campi clinici delle relazioni umane. Franco Angeli, Milano
  • Spagnuolo Lobb M., Tosi S., (2020), “L’estetica del contatto di Anna e la danza della reciprocità tra terapeuta e paziente. L’approccio della psicoterapia della Gestalt”. In: Dialogo clinico tra riviste di psicoterapia italiane Una psicoterapia on-line con una adolescente. (Trad. Eng., First Online Session with an Adolescent Girl from 12 Different Perspectives. International Journal of Psychotherapy, 2021, 25, 2: 9-91,
  • La Rosa, Tosi, Settanni, Spagnuolo Lobb, Francesetti (2020) “La ricerca sugli esiti in psicoterapia della Gestalt. Il progetto di ricerca italiano con il CORE-OM”, Quaderni di Gestalt, numero XXXIII, 2020/2 FrancoAngeli
  • Narzisi, Tosi, (2020) “Autismo e Coronavirus (COVID-19) in una prospettiva di campo: riflessioni gestaltiche”. Quaderni di Gestalt, numero XXXIII, 2020/2 FrancoAngeli
  • Maggio, Tosi, Bronzini, Cannavò (2020), “Il movimento intercorporeo dalle relazioni primarie alla relazione terapeutica. Un sostegno al cambiamento. In Il canto di Partenope. La psicoterapia sulla rotta del cambiamento (a cura di Giuseppe Ruggiero). Alpes edizioni.
  • La Rosa, Tosi, (2020), “Fare ricerca in psicoterapia: un’esperienza di cambiamento”. In Il canto di Partenope. La psicoterapia sulla rotta del cambiamento (a cura di Giuseppe Ruggiero). Alpes edizioni.
  • La Rosa, Tosi, (a cura di) 2020, “Progetto gestaltico di collaborazione internazionale. “Il caso singolo, progetto di ricerca con serie temporali. Manuale per ricercatori (Pablo Herrera Salinas, Phil Brownell, Illia Mstibovskyi e Otto Glanzer).”
  • La Rosa, Tosi, 2020, “Nota delle curatrici” alla rubrica Ricerche. Quaderni di Gestalt, numero XXXIII, 2020/1
  • Tosi (2020), Recensione del libro “Arfelli Galli A. (2013). La psicologia evolutiva nella scuola della Gestalt. Le ricerche in area tedesca nel periodo 1921-1975. Università di Macerata: EUM”. Quaderni di Gestalt, numero XXXIII, 2020/1
  • Tosi (2020), Traduzione della recensione del libro “Gold E., ZhamS. (2020). Psicologia buddhista e psicoterapia della Gestalt integrate. Una via per la cura nel nuovo millennio”. Quaderni di Gestalt, numero XXXIII, 2020/2
  • La Rosa R., Tosi S., Settanni M., Spagnuolo Lobb M., FrancesettiG., (2019), The outcome research in Gestalt Therapy: the ItalianCORE-OM research project. British Gestalt Journal, 28, 2 (2019).
  • Tosi S., (2019) Review a Amendt-Lyon, N. (Ed.) (2016) Timeless Experience. Laura Perls’s Unpublished Notebooks and Literary Texts 1946-1985. Quaderni di Gestalt, XXXII, 2019/1
  • Spagnuolo Lobb M. with Bloom D., Roubal J, Zeleskow Djoric J., Cannavò M., La Rosa R., Tosi S., Pinna V., 2018, The Aesthetic of Otherness: meeting at the boundary of a desensitized world. Proceedings. Gestalt Therapy Book Series. ISBN 978-88-98912-08-7
  • Tosi S., (2018) Spontaneity, intentionality and the aesthetic of contact: A modality of working with children, their parents and their world., in: The Aesthetic of Otherness: meeting at the boundary of a desensitized world. Proceedings. Edited by Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb. Gestalt Therapy Book Series. ISBN 978-88-98912-08-7
  • La Rosa R., Tosi S. (2018) The Outcome’s Research in Gestalt Therapy: the SIPG Project, in: The Aesthetic of Otherness: meeting at the boundary of a desensitized world. Proceedings. Edited by Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb. Gestalt Therapy Book Series. ISBN 978-88-98912-08-7
  • Tosi S., (2017) Review a Biavati M. (2016), Il contagio della libertà. Gestalt Counselling e Art Therapy, Quaderni di Gestalt XXX (2)
  • Tosi S., (2016), Gestalt Therapy with children: a model to work with group. Quaderni di Gestalt XXIX (1), 91-100
  • Tosi S., (2016) Review to Oaklander V. (2007), Hidden Treasure. A Map to the Child’s Inner Self,” London: Karnac Books. Quaderni di Gestalt XXIX (1), 135-138
  • Maggio F.,Tosi S., (2016) Dialogues: the experience of movement: kinaesthetic resonance as relational feeling. Interview to Ruella Frank. Quaderni di Gestalt XXIX (1), 9-24
  • Conte E., Tosi S., (2016) Between spontaneity and intentionality of growth: Gestalt therapy and children. In: Spagnuolo Lobb M., Levi N., Williams A. (2016) Gestalt Therapy with Children. Istituto di Gestalt HCC Italy Publ. Co.
  • Tosi S., (2014) “Stories in Movement: Psychotherapy with Migrant Families”, in Francesetti G., Ammirata M., RiccamboniS., Sgadari N., Spagnuolo Lobb M., (Editor), Conference proceedings of the 3rd SIPG Conference, Franco Angeli, Milan.
  • La Rosa R., Repossi A., Tosi S., (2012), “Swinging, Stopping, Falling, Going: Evolutive Movements between the Self and the World”. Conference proceedings of the FIAP Conference “Psychotherapy in the Global Village.

Other publications:

  • Tosi S., Cucchiani A., Vitali R. (2013), “Thank You and Good Bye. Between Identification and Authonomy: Forms of Therapeutic Interventions in the Public Sector,” in Journal of the Institute of Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy, n.37, Mimesis Publishers.
  • Rey F., Tosi S. (1998), “Dance Therapy with Children” in QuArTer Journal of Art Therapies, Anno I, n.1, Selecta Medica Publishers, Pavia.
  • Rey F., Tosi S. De Giorgi C., (1997), “Dance Therapy in Psychiatry at San Donato Milanese.” Psychiatry Journal n.2, magazine of the Azienda USSL 26 – Psychiatric Operative Unit, Melegnano (Milan).

Silvia Tosi – training, courses and workshops:

Here are some courses and trainings given by Silvia Tosi as a trainer, (co-)coach, supervisor and lecturer for Gestalt professionals:

  • 2010-2024 , Milan. “The Growing Edge of Psychotherapy. Clinical Reflections for Psychotherapists”. Supervision seminars organized by Istituto di Gestalt HCC Italy. Trainer: Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb
  • 2024, 14-15 giugno, Siracusa
    Embodiment and ecology in human suffering. International study seminar with Thomas Fuchs (Heidelberg, Germany) and with the participation of Scott Churchill (Dallas, Texas, USA). Istituto di Gestalt HCC Italy
  • 22.04.2024, online
    Sand play therapy in Oaklander model. Oaklander Training: Healing Through Play. Con Karen Fried
  • 2023, 10-11 novembre, Milano
    Attachment and trauma in Gestalt therapy, Seminario di studio internazionale con Miriam Taylor, e con Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb. Organizzato da istituto di Gestalt HCC Italy
  • 2023, 9-10 giugno, Siracusa
    Dreams in a traumatized society. Seminario di studio con Vittorio Lingiardi. Organizzato da istituto di Gestalt HCC Italy
  • 2022, 10-11 giugno, Siracusa
    Oedipus in the time of fluid sexuality. Gestalt psychotherapy and the right of non-identity. Seminario di studio, organizzato da istituto di Gestalt HCC Italy
  • 2021, FIAP Conference, online
    Evolution and pathology of bonds. The contribution of psychotherapy in the age of uncertainty
  • 2021, 11-12 giugno, Siracusa, ON-LINE.
    Seminario con Ammaniti e Ferrari: Reciprocity in relationships: movement, intentionality, social brain, organizzato da Istituto di Gestalt HCC Italy.
  • 2021, 5-6 febbraio, Mondello (Palermo), ON-LINE.
    New clinical challenges: dialogue between different psychotherapeutic approaches. Organizzato da Istituto di Gestalt HCC Italy.
  • 2020, 15-16 may. Istituto di Gestalt HCC Italy. International webinar: Psychotherapy in dialogue at the time of the coronavirus.
  • 2019, 16-17 ottobre, Milano, Neuroscience and embodied creative adaptation: sustaining awareness and contact in relationships. International Workshop with James Kepner, organizzato da Istituto di Gestalt HCC-Italy
  • 2019, 19-22 september, Budapest, AN EXPERIENTIAL EXPLORATION: THE FERTILE VOID AND CREATIVE INDIFFERENCE, EAGT Gestalt Conference 2019
  • 2019, June 20-24, Napoli GESTALT PSYCHOTHERAPY FOR CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS – The Oaklander therapeutic model, led by Lynn Stadler, International Training organized by Oltre La Tenda
  • 2017-2019 (October 25-29, 2017, April 11-15, 2018, October 17-21, 2018, April 3-7, 2019), Siracusa, Milano. “Training for Gestalt Supervisors,” organized by Istituto di Gestalt HCC Italy. Trainers: Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb, Gianni Francesetti
  • 2016 (22-25 settembre) Taormina: Gestalt joint conference AAGT/EAGT: The Aesthetic of Otherness: Meeting at the Boundary in a Desensitized World.
  • 2015-2017 (October 25-30, 2015; February 14-19,2016; October 2-7, 2016; March 12-17, 2017), New York City: “Developmental Somatic Psychotherapy 2015-2017,” organized by the Center for Somatic Studies. Trainer: Ruella Frank
  • 2015 (May 6-10), Rome. Supervision for experts on the Gestalt Therapy Approach to Psychopathology and Contemporary Disorders, organized by Istituto di Gestalt HCC Italy. Trainers: Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb, Gianni Francesetti.
  • 2015 (October 5, November 11), Milan. “The Growing Edge of Psychotherapy. Clinical Reflections for Psychotherapists.” Supervision seminars organized by Istituto di Gestalt HCC Italy. Trainers: Elisabetta Conte, Maria Mione.
  • 2012-2014 (November 14-18, 2012; March 20-24, 2013; November 20-24, 2013; March 19-23, 2014) Rome, Venice, Syracuse. International Training Program: “Gestalt Therapy Approach to Psychopathology and Contemporary Disorders,” organized by Istituto di Gestalt HCC Italy. Trainers: Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb, Gianni Francesetti, Jean Marie Robine, Carmen Vasquez Bandin.
  • 2014 (May 2-4), Rome, Research in Gestalt Therapy, organized by the Research Committee of EAGT.
  • 2014 (May 10-11), Milan. International Workshop: “Body of Awareness. Development of Self and Kinaesthetic Resonance,” organized by Istituto di Gestalt HCC Italy. Trainer: Ruella Frank.
  • 2014 (October 2), Riva del Garda. “Self comes to mind”. Workshop with Antonio Damasio and Vittorio Gallese, organized by FIAP (Italian Federation of Psychotherapy Associations).
  • 2011 (June 17-18), Milano. “Primary Relationship and Psychotherapy.” In-depth clinical seminar organized by Istituto di Gestalt HCC Italy and Università Cattolica di Milano. Trainers: V. Cigoli, E. Fivaz Depeursinge, M. Spagnuolo Lobb.
  • 2009 (February 19, March 26, April 22, June 4, October 24, November 17), Rome. “Gestalt Therapy with Couples, Families and Adolescents,” organized by Istituto di Gestalt HCC Italy. Trainer: Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb.
  • 2008 (October 10-12), Syracuse. Theoretical and clinical seminar: “The Secret Language of Intimacy: Working with Couples,” organized by Istituto di Gestalt HCC Italy. Trainer: Robert Lee.

Silvia Tosi regularly participates in international and local Gestalt events, conferences and workshops, both online and offline. She generously shares her knowledge and experience with those interested in developing as a Gestalt practitioner. Silvia has also had the experience of participating in the Training Standards Committee. EAGT Training Standards.